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<TITLE>Modern Communications Ltd.</TITLE>
<LINK REV=made href="mailto:info@dmitrov.ru">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Telecommunications Internet Service Provider Современные Коммуникации, Дмитров, Московская область, компьютерные сети, ISP, цифровые каналы, связь, телекоммуникационное и компьютерное оборудование, строительно-монтажные работы,автоматизация учетных процессов, программное обеспечение">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Современные Коммуникации": Провайдер Интернет в Дмитрове, поставщик телекоммуникационных улуг и оборудования. Официальный сервер компании, информация о предоставляемых услугах и ценах.">
<META NAME="rating" CONTENT="General">
<META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="31 days">
<META NAME="VW96.objecttype" CONTENT="Homepage">
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<META NAME="DC.Title" CONTENT="Antennas, Telecommunications, Surveillance without satellites.">
<META NAME="DC.Subject" CONTENT="An innovative solution to providing telecommunications, surveillance & imaging services for untapped markets worldwide: Our high-altitude airship systems make sense where satellites are not practical.">
<META NAME="DC.Description" CONTENT="An innovative solution to providing telecommunications, surveillance & imaging services for untapped markets worldwide: Our high-altitude airship systems make sense where satellites are not practical.">
<META NAME="DC.Coverage.PlaceName" CONTENT="Global">
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<font color="#FF0000" size="2" face="Arial">LasLink</font>
<font size="2" face="Arial">is a new privately owned
company with an innovative solution to provide
telecommunications as well as surveillance and imaging
services for untapped niche markets worldwide.</font>
<font size="3" face="Arial"> </font><p>
<font size="2" face="Arial">Our affordable high-altitude
airship systems enable penetration in markets in which
current or planned satellite systems cannot provide
economical service. These low cost solutions provide an
excellent alternative to satellite communications and
<p><font size="2" face="Arial">Laslink's heavy lift cargo
Airships will open new markets by providing rapid global
delivery of time-sensitive or oversized cargo directly
from source to market.</font></p>
<h1><font size="1" color="#000000">
<span style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 2pt">
An innovative solution to providing telecommunications,
surveillance & imaging services for untapped markets
worldwide: Our high-altitude airship systems make sense
where satellites are not practical.
<td align="center" valign="top">
<p align="left"><br><br>
<img src="airship_earth.jpg"
width="301" height="196"></p>
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width="30" height="133"><br>
<img src="bottom_left.gif"
width="30" height="133"></td>
<td align="center" valign="bottom" colspan="2">
<font size="1" face="Arial">c o p y r i g h t (c) l a s l i n k </font>
<font color="#FF0000" size="1" face="Arial"> </font>
<font size="1" face="Arial"> </font>
<font color="#FF0000" size="1" face="Arial"> /</font>
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a l l
r i g h t s
r e s e r v e d